Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Simple.Web and ServiceStack Templates

Back in November I blogged about a new home for the F# community project templates. Since that time there has been a flurry of activity in this new home. Two of the most recent additions include a template for creating Simple.Web apps and one for creating a self-hosted ServiceStack service. Both of these templates were built with the help of SideWaffle.


Simple.Web is a REST-focused, object-oriented Web Framework for .NET built by Mark Rendle. James D'Angelo recently published a pure F# template that helps you get started with Simple.Web. You can find it at http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/bbec75fa-0f31-47e9-a8ce-c301edb2fa4b.


ServiceStack is a framework for building simple and fast web services on .NET and Mono. Kunjan Dalal and I recently released a template for kick-starting a self-hosted ServiceStack service. Other ServiceStack template options will be included in this package soon, so stay tuned.

Find Out More:

If you want to learn more about web development with F#, head over to FSharp.org. If you'd like to get involved, clone https://github.com/fsharp/FSharpCommunityTemplates and start hacking. If you're new to SideWaffle, I also recommend watching the introduction video at http://sidewaffle.com/. It's now easier than ever before to create a template with SideWaffle.

As always, feel free to reach to me if you have any questions.


  1. Minor correction, it is Kunjan Dalal not Kunjan Dulal... even only Kunjan or Kunjee will also be fine... BTW thanks for mentioning me in post and helping me to make the template....

  2. Sorry about that. I've updated the post :)

  3. Thanks for spreading the word about these templates. I'm looking forward to seeing more F# progress in 2014!
