Sunday, July 17, 2011

WPF Behaviors in the F# WPF Project Templates

In my last post, I mentioned that I was working on a few enhancements to the my F# WPF Project Templates that are out on Visual Studio Gallery. I'm happy to say that the new versions of the F# and C# Windows App (WPF, MVVM) and F# Windows App (WPF, MVVM) templates are now available.

What Was Changed?

For the F# Windows App (WPF, MVVM) template, a few WPF behaviors have been added. I'll talk about these changes in a bit (for those that can't wait, see and

The F# and C# Windows App (WPF, MVVM) template includes all of the same changes as the F# only template. Additionally, I've taken the multiple F# projects that were previously provided in this template and coalesced them into one F# project. I believe that this change better reflects the real-world use of this template.

You Mentioned WPF Behaviors?

The biggest change to the templates is the addition of examples of a few different types of WPF behaviors. These templates include examples of event to command as well as a type converter. The event to command implementation is Blendable (meaning that it plays well with Expression Blend) and is loosely based on the MVVM Light Toolkit EventToCommand implementation.

Here's the code:

namespace FSharpWpfMvvmTemplate.Behavior

open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Interactivity

type EventToCommand() =
    inherit TriggerAction<DependencyObject>()
    static val mutable private CommandProperty:DependencyProperty
    static val mutable private CommandParameterProperty:DependencyProperty
    /// Set the command dependency property
    static do 
        EventToCommand.CommandProperty <-
                typeof<ICommand>, typeof<EventToCommand>)
    /// Set the command parameter dependency property
    static do 
        EventToCommand.CommandParameterProperty <-
                typeof<obj>, typeof<EventToCommand>)
    /// Get/Set the Command 
    member this.Command 
        with get() = this.GetValue EventToCommand.CommandProperty :?> ICommand
        and set value = this.SetValue(EventToCommand.CommandProperty, value)
    /// Get/Set the CommandParameter 
    member this.CommandParameter 
        with get() = this.GetValue EventToCommand.CommandParameterProperty 
        and set value = this.SetValue(EventToCommand.CommandParameterProperty, value)
    /// Implement the Invoke method from TriggerAction to execute the command
    override this.Invoke parameter = 
        let command = this.Command
        let commandParameter = match this.CommandParameter with
                               | null -> parameter
                               | commandParam -> commandParam  
        if command <> null && command.CanExecute(commandParameter) then

Here's the XAML that uses this code:

        <Button Grid.Row="2" Command="{Binding ApproveExpenseReportCommand}" 
                Style="{StaticResource buttonStyle}" Content="Approve"
                Grid.Column="1" Margin="0,10,53,0">
                <i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseEnter">
                            Command="{Binding MouseEnterButtonCommand}" 
                            CommandParameter="Approve" />
                <i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseLeave">
                            Command="{Binding MouseLeaveButtonCommand}" />

The value converter example uses a ConverterBase class that simplifies the creation of any concrete implementations. This base class uses a combination of functional and object-oriented programming to provide a default implementation of Convert and ConvertBack. The child class can then provide a function to override the implementation of either or both of these methods. For the sake of brevity, I will not post the ConvertBase code here, but you can go to to see it.

The concrete implementation that is provided as an example in these project templates is shown below:

namespace FSharpWpfMvvmTemplate.Behavior

open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Data
open System.Windows.Media
open ConverterBase

/// Returns Visibility.Visible if the string is not null or empty
type StringExistsToVisibilityConverter() =
    inherit ConverterBase()
    let convertFunc = fun (v:obj) _ _ _ ->         
        match String.IsNullOrEmpty(string v) with
        | false -> Visibility.Visible
        | _ -> Visibility.Collapsed
        :> obj
    override this.Convert = convertFunc 

This can be used in XAML like this:

<TextBlock Grid.Row="3" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,10,0,0" 
                FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold" 
                Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Text="{Binding LastApprovalDisplayMessage}" 
                Visibility="{Binding Path=LastApprovalDisplayMessage, 
                            Converter={StaticResource StringExistsToVisibility}}" />

While I don't have an example in these templates of an Attached Property written in F#, it is worth noting that you can find just such an example at

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