Monday, February 20, 2012

ExpectThat with CoffeeScript, Zombie, Mocha, and Node

A few posts ago, I showed how to use ExpectThat with Mocha and Node.js. Today, I'll show a simple example of using ExpectThat with Zombie.js--a full-stack testing framework.


Zombie.js is a fast, headless testing framework that provides various functionality to write tests that hit your full technology stack. While I generally prefer to write more fine-grained, isolated tests, it's important to also have a few smoke tests and/or integration tests to verify end-to-end functionality. Zombie makes these kinds of tests easy, while allowing me to still use ExpectThat and Mocha.

The Example

Here's a simple example that populates two input elements and then verifies that the values of those input fields contain the expected text.

zombie = require("zombie")
browser = new zombie.Browser()
describe "When populating two text boxes", ->
expectThat "they should have values of foo and bar", (done) ->
browser.visit "", ->
.fill(".search", "foo")
.fill("#test", "bar")
input1 = browser.querySelector ".search"
input2 = browser.querySelector "#test"
input1.value.should equal "foo"
input2.value.should equal "bar"

You can find the full example here.

After a few commands such as " coffee --output lib/ specs/ " and " mocha 'lib/example.spec.js' --reporter spec ", you should see an output that looks something like this:

To learn more about ExpectThat, visit