Saturday, October 18, 2008

Comparing MSIL of F# Versus C#

Comparing MSIL:

To get a good understanding of what is going on "under the covers" of our example from last week, a person can view the generated MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language). While there are several options for doing this, I chose to use Reflector.

Here's a review of the F# code as well as the C# equivalent:



public void CanCalculateNumberSquared()
result = FSharpSample.CalculateNumberSquared(2);
.AreEqual(result, 4)


CalculateNumberSquared x = x*x;;

Here's the C# code.


public void
CSharpSample.CSharpSample cSharpSample = new CSharpSample.CSharpSample();
result = CSharpSample.CalculateNumberSquared(2);
.AreEqual(result, 4);


public class CSharpSample
public int
CalculateNumberSquared(int numberToSquare)
numberToSquare * numberToSquare;

Here is the managed code with comments explaining what is happening:


.method public hidebysig instance int32 CalculateNumberSquared(int32 numberToSquare) cil managed {     
2 // maximum number of elements that can be pushed to the valuation stack
.locals init (
[0] int32 CS$1$0000) // this is a local variable of type int32
L_0000: nop // do nothing -- indicates compiled in debug mode
L_0001: ldarg.1 // push argument 1 onto the stack
L_0002: ldarg.1 // push argument 1 onto the stack (multiplying a number by itself)
L_0003: mul // multiply values
L_0004: stloc.0 // pop a value from the stack into a local variable
L_0005: br.s L_0007 // go to labl L_0007
L_0007: ldloc.0 // push local variable at index 0 onto the stack
L_0008: ret // return the value from the stack (if there is one) and return from the method

.method public static int32 CalculateNumberSquared(int32 x) cil managed {     
4 // maximum number of elements that can be pushed to the valuation stack
L_0000: nop // do nothing -- indicates compiled in debug mode
L_0001: ldarg.0 // push argument 0 onto the stack
L_0002: ldarg.0 // push argument 0 onto the stack
L_0003: mul // multiply values
L_0004: ret // return the value from the stack (if there is one) and return from the method

This first thing that I noticed when comparing the managed code from each example, was that
the F# code is more succinct. Each is accomplishing the same goal, but the CIL generated from
F# is five lines less that that which was generated from the C# example.
The second thing I
noticed was that the F# method is static while the C# method is not. To ensure that we are
comparing apples to apples, a new static method was generated in the C# example.

Here's the code:



public void

result = CSharpSample.StaticCSharpSample.CalculateNumberSquared(2);
.AreEqual(result, 4);



public static class StaticCSharpSample


public static int CalculateNumberSquared(int numberToSquare)
numberToSquare * numberToSquare;

.method public hidebysig static int32 CalculateNumberSquared(int32 numberToSquare) cil managed {     
2 // maximum number of elements that can be pushed to the valuation stack
.locals init (
[0] int32 CS$1$0000) // this is a local variable of type int32
L_0000: nop // do nothing -- indicates compiled in debug mode
L_0001: ldarg.1 // push argument 1 onto the stack
L_0002: ldarg.1 // push argument 1 onto the stack multiplying a number by itself)
L_0003: mul // multiply values
L_0004: stloc.0 // pop a value from the stack into a local variable
L_0005: br.s L_0007 // go to labl L_0007
L_0007: ldloc.0 // push local variable at index 0 onto the stack
L_0008: ret // return the value from the stack (if there is one) and return from the method
As you can see, the MSIL is very similar to that which was generated in our first example.
While we could probably find a way to make the C# example generate the same managed
code as the F# example, it is clear that the F# example requires less work and less lines of code
to generate the more succinct result.

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